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My documentary on Brussels' immigration opens the festival Cine Luso

Cine Luso - Rencontre Audiovisuelle de la Lusophonie

// Maison de Culture de Saint-Gilles, Brussels, Belgium

// festival and conference

// November 05 @7pm

The second edition of CINE LUSO is focused on migrations, exploring territories and identities, through the presentation of documentaries and discussions. It will take place between 5 and 23 of November in Brussels.

On the festival's opening, I will discuss the relationship between immigration and identity, departing from my experiences interviewing immigrants in Brussels and São Paulo. The discussion will be followed by the screening of Bruxelles, Terre d'Accueil? , a video produced for the homonymous recent exhibition at the Jewish Museum of Belgium, in collaboration with the curators Pascale Falek and Bruno Benvindo.

Here the facebook event with more details.


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